Tuesday, November 2, 2010


  • I'm ashamed to admit I've been wearing the same socks for the past three days because I hadn't done any laundry. And yeah... here at the end of the third day, it's obvious.
  • I've got laundry running RIGHT NOW.
  • In line to vote, there were two women wearing the same boots. They were separated by a couple of people in line, but they ended up right next to each other at the voting booths and so it was very obvious. Awk-ward!
  • I pulled off a beautiful parallel parking job there in front of the elementary school.
  • On the drive home we passed an overturned vehicle in the median, which completely amazed Holly.
  • My parent-teacher conference was very short since the teacher had no problems to report about my girls and their grades are good.
  • I wrote all of 550 words yesterday for the first day of Nanowrimo. All 550 were crap. But as my friend Tracie says, that is the true spirit of Nano.