I have a lot I could be talking about here, but my desire to do things "in order" always makes me fall behind, whether that be in watching TV shows (which I've pretty much stopped altogether), in my gardening, and in my picture posting and journal writing.
Speaking of my gardening, it's moving along. I put five broccoli plants into the ground, although one appears to be dead. None of my peppers sprouted, and none of my cauliflowers did either. I will have to buy seedlings at the nursery if I want those. But I do have lettuce growing, and potatoes, and about 12 tomato plants that will be transplanted into the garden later this month. I also have four or five more crops that are scheduled to be planted over the coming weeks.
The blackberry "bush" (it's really not bushy at all) looks good. The strawberry patch has been pretty much wiped out, though, by weeds, digging, mowing, and nobody caring for it. My rosebushes look better than ever, after I pruned them for the first time this winter. The azaleas are right in the middle of blooming and are beautiful. I got a bunch of pink tulips come up unexpectedly. And the hydrangeas are looking great -- I hope to actually have all three bloom this year.
So there, I caught up on journaling about my garden, but I still have not talked about the kids in school, the funny things Holly has been saying, what books I'm reading, the music I'm listening to, or the pets. And there's also the little matter of this:
Yeah... I'll tell you all about that. :) Soon!