Couple of changes for the new decade. I'm going to be moving my public posts over here to Blogger -- the new address is -- and they will in turn feed over to my website. I'll keep friends-only posts at LiveJournal.
Here in Baltimore 2010 came in cold and has stayed cold. I love my heating system (radiators), but the house is so drafty that many areas just won't warm up. Over the weekend I put plastic up over one of the windows in the family room and it made quite a difference. I need to go to Home Depot or something to get more plastic for some of the other windows. I put towels down in front of the doors to try to stop the drafts coming under them, but a certain cat tends to pee on them. (Allie, our elderly lady cat.)
If you're friends with me on Facebook you may have seen this already, but here are me and the girls on Christmas Day:

Moving right along to goals for this year:
- Don't gain any weight. It worked last year!
- Read at least one book each month. I have no shortage of books waiting to be read. Follow the progress on my website, once I get the page set up.
- Make headway on the biggest house project -- the torn up upstairs room. Once it was going to be a kitchen and dining room, but now my plan is to make it a master bedroom and master bath. Or at the very least, to make it a livable room of any kind. This hasn't been worked on in over three years.
- Continue paring down my stuff (junk). It's a long road for me since I have packrat tendencies. So far in the three days of this year I got rid of two bags of clothing and a bag of toys. Gotta keep at it.
- With the kids, laugh and hug more, and yell less. Not sure how to quantify or track this one, but it's a goal nonetheless.