Happy New Year a bit late! I intended to do some resolutions/goals in the first week, but apparently I can't even maintain weekly goals. Oh well! My goals for 2011 are pretty much the same as always -- watch my weight, maybe lose some; enjoy time with my family and loved ones; simplify my life. Oh and keep on top of my voicemail messages. My home voicemail was rejecting new messages for two months because I couldn't bring myself to listen to the 30-some odd messages that had filled the box up.
Since I have nothing more to say on that, here are some super flattering pictures that my ex-cellphone took. It was already well-used (read: beat up) when I got it, and I never really figured it out. Somehow the camera would turn on, and then while I was trying to figure out how to turn the camera off to do something useful like make a call, it would snap a picture of me. I think it may have been hacked into and programmed to do this. Maybe by the government.
So for your viewing pleasure: