For many months now Holly has been saying she wants a pink room. More often than not she uses it in her arsenal of sleep-avoiding tactics -- "I can't sleep in a room that isn't pink!" Well, when she gets home, she won't have that excuse anymore.
First some before pictures:
^ The wall by the door, her cluttered-up dresser, her bed pushed into the corner.
The wall to the left of the door, with a gross stain on the floor that was hidden by a toy chest we had already moved before taking this picture.
^ Furniture moved to the center of the room, walls primed!
^ The first coat of pink is on and drying.
^ And this is the finished product!
^ I wanted to paint the toy chest white and get some pink cushions for it, but I didn't get around to that. Maybe later.
^ Love this cute pink tree! It is a removable static-cling type wall decoration. It came in about 105 pieces. I'm wondering how long before Holly picks at it and starts peeling it off.
^ Window and radiator. I didn't get new curtains, but I painted the cornice and hung the little wooden "H".
^ Her bed, with Faith's old comforter and her own collection of pillows.
^ And the crowning piece, a 3 ft by 4 ft mirror for her to dance and preen in front of!
^ With rope lighting! How cool is that!
^ Pretty fun nighttime effect. The rope lights are LED so they won't waste a lot of energy.
I think the little girl is going to be pretty excited!!
By the way, Thea, if you read this, don't you dare tell her!
I love it! She will too I'm sure! What a great mom you are..............