Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Garden stuff

Quick garden update, mainly for my own self to look at later.  :)

Blue and white hydrangeas are blooming.  The pink hydrangea has buds for the first year ever -- I'm waiting to see what shade of pink the flowers turn out to be!

The roses have been blooming for some time now and they're doing great this year, after their pruning this past winter.

My tomatoes are finally really bushing out, and I have lots of little yellow flowers.  The pepper plants are all still small, but they also have flowers.  The broccoli plants are growing teeny broccolis tucked down inside their giant leaves.

I dug up and replanted the strawberries late this spring.  I figured it would do away with this spring's harvest, and I was mostly right, but I do have a few ripening berries.  We'll see if I can get to them before the bugs, slugs, and whatever else eats them, do.  In the same strawberry bed I planted a different crop that is supposed to bear fruit in the summer.  I don't know if they'll bear this year though.

The blackberry bush is just teeming with blackberries!  I can't wait until they ripen!  I'm also very pleased to see two brand new branches growing very fast, that will provide me with next year's blackberries.  :)

Last but not least!  First garden harvest!

Potatoes from my Walmart potato bucket.  They're pretty small, but they provided a whole lot of happiness to me as I cooked them up and ate them, with a little butter.  :)

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