Thursday, November 8, 2012

Mornings With Dog, Chapter One

And now for a new segment I shall call, "Mornings With Dog."  "Segment" suggests that this is something I will be writing on a regular basis, but we all know that it's more likely I will write one or possibly two and then drop it.  Kind of like my NaNoWriMo attempt this year, in which I passed 11,000 words the first weekend, and haven't written one word since.

But anyway, now that the time has changed and it's not completely dark at 7 am anymore, I'm trying to renew my habit of taking Chester D. Dog for a morning walk.  He appreciates it, and it is good for me to wake up and get my blood moving.  Mornings are also a nice opportunity to wear long sleeves or even a jacket, and feel like there's a coolness to the air, without having to deal with my nose going numb or my ears hurting from the cold.  Florida's nice like that!

I thought on some morning walks I would take a picture or pictures around my neighborhood to show everyone how nice it is here, or if at some point it becomes nasty, how nasty it is.

So without further ado,

This morning the sun was out and I wore a fleece jacket for our walk.  The temperature was right around 60 degrees but going up.  This morning Chester and I found real, live (dying) fall-colored leaves.

Real yellows and reds among the browns, right here in central Florida.  Makes a Marylander feel a little more at home.

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