Yesterday after a morning shopping trip at Walmart, I went to open my trunk to put my groceries in, and the key snapped off in the trunk lock.

Not cool. It meant of course that I was stranded in the Walmart parking lot until Dan could come from work, 29 miles away, to rescue me with a working key. Again... in FL, this is not so bad as it could be. I sat in the car with the windows down, basking in some sun and listening to birds singing in the trees. I reflected on an observation I had made in the Walmart: There are about the same amount of people riding around on electric scooters in the Walmart in Mt Dora as there were at the Walmart in Baltimore. However, in Mt Dora the riders were all elderly people. In Baltimore they were not; they were obese, or swollen and possibly diabetic, or once in a while in a cast, but often just joy-riding.
At Walmart I bought a cilantro plant to put in my kitchen window. Whenever I need cilantro, I only need a little bit, and I have to buy an enormous clump and waste it. I thought a little plant would provide me with just the right supply.
This is what it looked like this morning. I hope when the sun comes up it will perk up.
Here is one of those songs that gets in your ear and stays there. It runs all day in your head and you find yourself walking in rhythm to it. Then at night the infinite loop makes you an insomniac and turns your thoughts dark and you feel like there is SOMETHING that you are missing deep in yourself that would make this song bearable and then you could sleep. Or is that just me?
"Midnight City" by M83
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