Monday, December 1, 2014


Yeah that's right, I did it!  I wrote 50,000 words in the month of November for the first time since 2008.  The novel is not completed, and it's crap, but I wrote it.

Now that NaNoWriMo is over I can get back to reading.  I had four books out from the library when November came in, so I had to renew them twice so I could keep them to start reading again on December 1.

The dog knocked over the trash can and I know for sure that he ate a turkey leg (bones, etc), some stale cereal, a week-old Thanksgiving party cookie and some moldy beef jerky.  There might have been other delights in there as well.  It would serve him right to be sick but that would just mean more work for me.  Ugh.

I have two tiny baby tomatoes!


  1. Look at you blogging again! I'll need to follow!

  2. What a blog! Such a very informative and interesting. Keep sharing.....
