The kids were off school and to my delight my work closed too. By mid-morning more neighbors down the road had gotten their butts in gear and cleared a path that four-wheel-drive vehicles, at least, could traverse. We took the opportunity to get out. First we went to CiCi's Pizza for lunch, and then we went to Costco to buy snacks to replenish the snack bar at work. (I am not generally a Costco shopper for my own household.) Back at home Holly went down for her nap and Thea and Faith had a prolonged snowball fight.
I woke Holly after two and a half hours because I really needed to get out to the store for groceries for the house. Since I didn't hit the stores before the storm, we were forced to "make do" with what we had in the house, meaning we ate some things that had been languishing in the cupboard for quite a while. And we had come to the end of even that, and there's this next storm looming on the horizon. So I left the older girls playing a game and bundled up Holly for the trip to the store, hoping to get out and back before the packed snow on the roads froze back over.
To my utter amazement Walmart was closed. Walmart was closed! That was almost more shocking than 30 inches of snow. I had to divert to Aldi, scrap half my grocery list and just pick up whatever I could find. I think we'll survive another couple of days now.
No school for the girls again tomorrow, and my work is closed again. I'm going to have to come up with some great ideas for keeping the peace, as the snow starts up again tomorrow afternoon and probably keeps us all snowbound for another two days.
Snowball fight!
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