Sunday, October 30, 2011

Party aftermath

Before I forget, here is what went wrong, and what went right, for the girls' party (a long woohoo-dammit, of sorts :) ).  Pictures at the bottom of the page.

WRONG:  Had to move the party completely indoors thanks to frigid temperatures, drizzle and mud.  Most of my games and activities were subsequently cut from the agenda.
RIGHT:  Let the kids turn on the Wii and play "Just Dance."  That game never fails to entertain.  Even boys and parents were dancing.
RIGHT:  Ghost cookies -- these were knockoff Nutter Butters dipped in melted white candy chips, with black sprinkles for eyes -- and witch hat cookies -- knockoff Keebler Fudge Stripes, turned upside down, with Hershey Kisses secured to them with a line of orange icing.  Kids loved them.
RIGHT:  Frozen party-size macaroni and cheese.  I only got one of these, on a whim, and when it came down from the oven it disappeared in record time.
WRONG:  The mummy dogs -- hot dogs wrapped in strips of refrigerated crescent roll dough -- didn't look like mummies at all.
WRONG:  Also baking the first batch of mummy dogs on top of waxed paper was a bad idea since the paper melted and stuck to the dogs.  (This was an accident, not something I did on purpose.)
RIGHT:  Despite the mummy dogs' disappointing appearance, they were gobbled up -- waxed paper and all.
WRONG:  Eyeball sandwiches -- two meatballs on a dinner roll, with sliced olives attached to look like the pupils of the eyeballs -- were a pain to assemble, and didn't really get eaten.
WRONG:  "Pin the heart on the skeleton" game wasn't really fair since I attached to the wall a poseable cardboard skeleton and thus the blindfolded kids just had to quickly feel him up to locate where his heart should go.  Only the two youngest kids missed by placing their hearts on the elbow and in the pelvis.
WRONG and RIGHT:  Bobbing for donuts -- donuts tied with twine to the bottom of the ceiling light fixture -- was messy and wasteful.  I ran this in three heats of four each, and the kids had to hold their hands behind their backs and try to be the first to finish eating their donuts without them falling onto the floor.  The powdered donuts made a huge mess on faces and the carpet, and most kids' donuts fell onto the floor only half eaten.  However, not surprisingly, this game was a huge hit.
RIGHT:  Black punch in a plastic cauldron I got at Walmart hours before the party.  The punch was two packages of Koolaid (two different colors that would be dark and muddy when mixed together) with the appropriate amount of sugar and water, plus two liters of ginger ale.  Tasty.
WRONG:  The ice hands floating in the punch did not work well.  I froze water in rinsed plastic gloves, and it should have been great, but the fingers kept falling off (one of my floating hands was doing the sign of the devil) and the plastic was difficult to remove.  I found a couple small pieces of plastic floating in the punch.  I think using a different kind of glove would have worked better.
RIGHT:  The three fog machines excited the kids and would have been very cool if we could have kept them running on their intermittent timers, but...
WRONG:  The fog set off my smoke alarm twice, which is wired into the alarm system at the house and so the potential for the fire department showing up was high.  So we had to set the fog machines on manual and an adult had to go flick them on from time to time.
WRONG and RIGHT:  I forgot to set out the Goldfish crackers and the cheese cubes and crackers that I had gotten.  However we had so freaking much food left over, it was just as well.
RIGHT and WRONG:  We made these adorable Tootsie Pop spiders to be party favors.  Then I forgot them in a box in my room until after all the kids had gone home. 
Tootsie Pop spiders

Ghost cookies

Witch hat cookies

Cupcakes decorated by the birthday girls

Me and my daughter's "BFF"

The "haunted hallway".  Fog came out of the skull's mouth.

I explain the rules of bobbing for donuts.

And they're off!

Pretty fun to watch!

Thea opening presents

The last lonely ghost cookie left on the plate.


Friday, October 28, 2011

Party time, excellent

Woohoo, the temperatures have been in the 60s and the 70s all month, which was great because I was planning a bunch of outdoor activities for the girls' birthday/Halloween party tomorrow night.  Well guess what?  Tomorrow, temperatures are not even supposed to reach 50 degrees.  There is a 100% chance of rain during the day.  At night, temperatures will dip into the 30s, and there is a 70% chance of SNOW.  Dammit!!!

I am not sure now what I am going to do with nearly 20 kids stuck in my house.

I have a "haunted hallway" getting set up with black lights and fog machines.  I have glow-in-the-dark bugs to put all over, and I found this cool idea online and did it -- printed out antique-looking photos and touched them up with a yellow highlighter to look creepier under the black light.  For future reference, the best photos were the ones that had a lot of white space on them to begin with, as that glows better and the yellow highlighter shows up extremely well.  The darker photos make it harder to see my embellishments.  The best photo of all was this one --

it printed out pretty creepy-looking on its own.  I colored in the guy's eyes with the highlighter and he is impressive.

I have a bunch of food I have to make tomorrow, mostly ideas I collected on Pinterest -- Nutter Butter ghosts, decorated cupcakes and brownies, witch hat cookies, mummy hot dogs, eyeball (meatball) sandwiches, and a veggie tray with dip that is coming out of a sick-looking jack o'lantern's mouth.  Hehehe.  Oh and a black punch with a floating ice hand in it.  Can't wait to see how that turns out!

I was going to play pin-the-heart-on-the-skeleton outside, as well as have a balloon stomp (balloons tied with a length of yarn to the kids' feet -- the object is to stomp on other people's balloons while protecting your own), a balloon-ghost popping relay race, and a treat hunt through the yard.  Those ideas are all way up in the air now.  I don't have a room large enough for 20 kids stomping on balloons, or a room long enough for a relay race.  Maybe I can still pull off the skeleton.  More likely the kids will just run wild through the house.  Or worse, sit around bored!

Monday, October 17, 2011

I come back here from time to time

picture from

October... It's my absolute favorite time of year.  Colors, warmth and chill, orange sunshine, the smell of wet earth and leaves.

On Saturday, after showering and dressing, I stood out on the back porch and let the sun and the wind dry my hair.  Being as that I live in the middle of the city, I'm sure there were traffic noises and train whistles, but I didn't hear any of that.  I heard birds, and I heard the wind in the trees, and I remembered other October days when I thought to myself, "This is my absolute favorite time of year." 

It was one of those quiet wistful moments in time that you feel like you might remember forever, but you know it'll more likely be forgotten in a matter of days.  If you're lucky, though, the elusive feeling will return to you in another time and place.

This was the song playing through my head on Saturday, and it captures that wistful, warm feeling of October sun and childhood memories.  Gosh, I love this band.

Scattered Black and Whites by Elbow...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Halloween fixins

Work continues on the girls' Halloween costumes. My time frame has been cut short by the fact that they want to wear these costumes to a party at Thea's old school, this weekend. So I have two whole less weeks than originally thought. At the moment Faith's is closest to being done, followed by Holly's. Thea's costume... I don't know what I'll do about it.

Updated costs:

Gown:  3.99
Turtleneck:  2.49
Earmuffs:  1.99
Gun:  0.99
Belt:  2.90
Boots:  7.90
Gloves:  2.99
Skirt:  1.99
Wings:  1.99
Sheer material:  8.39
Pleather:  3.37
Tulle:  .23
Orange felt: 2.99
Other felt:  1.50
T-shirt:  1.99

But at least tonight we finished up the invitations to their Halloween/birthday party.  The girls did most of the work themselves -- Thea made the ribbon bats, while Faith cut all the paper and glued it together.  I had to come along behind them and re-glue the eyes on the bats and the bats to the invitations, since the "Tacky Glue" that Thea had used was failing to hold very well.  I ended up using hot glue.  They turned out pretty cute!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Spam and Fall

Have you ever noticed that when you visit your Gmail spam folder, the Google-generated ads that appear at the top of the screen usually involve recipes using Spam?  Is Google just trying to be funny?  Because they're supposed to know all about me, and that makes me think their algorithms are crap.  I already know that Facebook doesn't really know me.

Faith's and Holly's Halloween costumes will be done soon and I'll post pictures.

Check out this flashback.  Seven years ago this weekend, a friend and I took our girls camping.  Thea was 5, Faith was 3, and Paige, my friend's daughter, was 4.  It was a very cold and rainy weekend, and would have been miserable except for the fact that we allowed ourselves to gripe and laugh about the situation and in turn be more patient with the unhappy kids.  In particular I remember that we said "oh well" and let the girls play on a drenched playground in the rain, not worrying about the fact that they were getting soaked.

Anyway, we visited that same park this past weekend, and took a picture of the same three girls along a trail.  Now ages 12, 10 and 11, my how they have changed!

In October 2004
In October 2011

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Weekend wrapup

House News

We had no landline phone service for two days, and no one would have noticed except that the alarm system control panel started beeping because it recognized it had no connection to the alarm company.  The problem was somewhere between the main road and the telephone pole across the street from my house, meaning it was NOT MY FAULT and I didn't have to pay Verizon to fix it.  HA.  Actually now my phone line sounds better than it has in years.  It was so staticky that you couldn't really talk to anyone.  Maybe now I'll actually answer the phone when someone calls.  Yeah.... probably not.

It was chilly in the house today so I turned on the heat, mainly just as a test to make sure it was going to come on when I REALLY needed it.  The boiler lit right up.  I am glad.

Neighbor News

Apparently one of the neighbor ladies has a live-in boyfriend.  Well, HAD, because tonight Dan heard her yelling at him and telling him he had to move out.  What?  I never saw this guy before this weekend.  How long did he live there, 24 hours?

Halloween Costumes Update

My friend Carrie went shopping with me this weekend and we knocked out most of Faith's costume.  We have a few pieces of Thea's costume, although she is much more difficult because she is trying to exactly match a picture of a costume she found on the internet.  We have zero pieces of Holly's costume.

Gown:  3.99
Turtleneck:  2.49
Earmuffs:  1.99
Gun:  0.99
Belt:  2.90
Boots:  7.90
Gloves:  2.99
Skirt:  1.99
Wings:  1.99

Holly Art

Holly drew some surprisingly recognizable pictures tonight.

This is a dog.

This is a cat. It is either in tall grass or in a cage... I'm not sure which.

Photo Alert

New pictures up, from our recent trip to Rehoboth Beach.  See them here!