We had no landline phone service for two days, and no one would have noticed except that the alarm system control panel started beeping because it recognized it had no connection to the alarm company. The problem was somewhere between the main road and the telephone pole across the street from my house, meaning it was NOT MY FAULT and I didn't have to pay Verizon to fix it. HA. Actually now my phone line sounds better than it has in years. It was so staticky that you couldn't really talk to anyone. Maybe now I'll actually answer the phone when someone calls. Yeah.... probably not.
It was chilly in the house today so I turned on the heat, mainly just as a test to make sure it was going to come on when I REALLY needed it. The boiler lit right up. I am glad.
Neighbor News
Apparently one of the neighbor ladies has a live-in boyfriend. Well, HAD, because tonight Dan heard her yelling at him and telling him he had to move out. What? I never saw this guy before this weekend. How long did he live there, 24 hours?
Halloween Costumes Update
My friend Carrie went shopping with me this weekend and we knocked out most of Faith's costume. We have a few pieces of Thea's costume, although she is much more difficult because she is trying to exactly match a picture of a costume she found on the internet. We have zero pieces of Holly's costume.
Faith | Thea | Holly |
Gown: 3.99 Turtleneck: 2.49 Earmuffs: 1.99 Gun: 0.99 Belt: 2.90 |
Boots: 7.90 Gloves: 2.99 Skirt: 1.99 Wings: 1.99 |
$12.36 | $14.87 |
Holly Art
Holly drew some surprisingly recognizable pictures tonight.
This is a dog.
This is a cat. It is either in tall grass or in a cage... I'm not sure which.
Photo Alert
New pictures up, from our recent trip to Rehoboth Beach. See them here!
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